Cradled by the Spirits

Cradled by the Spirits unfolds the author’s experiences with shamans around the world and specifically with the Shipibo shamans of the Peruvian Amazon forest. The use of the medicine that produces awareness and allows a spiritual journey is described: Ayahuasca, which the author drinks, guided by shamans in several places. This experience “teaches you how to live“. The book also talks about how to learn to take life with the right spirit.

Since the author is a health psychologist and a systemic psychotherapist, the different skills needed to care for others and for oneself in the two different settings – the forest and the therapy room – are considered, and compared.

The book opens with a letter from Raimondo Bultrini, journalist from La Repubblica, a reliable Italian newspaper. Umberta closes the book with a rich reflection by Cristina Koch, a systemic thinker.

The book will be available in a short time also from the major sales stores (Amazon, Ibs, Barnes&Noble, StreetLib…) in the various formats pdf, epub, mobi (for Kindle).

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